Are Fishing Tournaments Profitable – Detailed Breakdown

Are Fishing Tournaments Profitable – Detailed Breakdown

Fishing tournaments can most certainly be profitable as large sums of prize money are awarded to the winning anglers. Tournaments have thrived for many years now and have been reported to pay upwards of £80,000. Despite the large earning potential, the initial cost for signing up for these competitions is sometimes as low as just…

Fishing Hook Size Guide UK (Carp, Barbel, Tench & More)

Fishing Hook Size Guide UK (Carp, Barbel, Tench & More)

For new anglers, the size of the hook may seem quite irrelevant in terms of actually catching fish and technically that would be correct, providing the hook can fit within the fish’s mouth, you should be able to catch it. However, that doesn’t mean that you should use any random hook when you go fishing,…

Float fishing vs Feeder fishing – which is better?

Float fishing vs Feeder fishing – which is better?

The float and feeder are unquestionably the two most popular methods for fishing on commercial lakes. They both have they’re own advantages and disadvantages, but in terms of efficiency, there is no comparison. The Feeder usually seems to beat the float’s catch rate, which is why we’d always use a feeder if we’re fishing competitively,…